"The ability to understand, speak, read and write in world languages, in addition to English is critical to success in business, research and international relations in the 21st century."
"The US needs more peoples to speak languages other than English in order to provide social and legal services for a changing population."
"The study of a second language has been linked to improved learning outcomes in other subjects, enhanced cognitive ability and the development of empathy and effective interpretive skills." (see below for details)
What other US school districts are doing to deliver K-5 world language
Additional Resources Want to learn more about the great benefits of multi-language learning? Check out these fantastic resources our team has compiled below!
Additional Information 1. Exposure in the studies we reference, generally indicates 20 - 40 minutes of language education once to twice per week, ranging from 1-2 years 2. Marcos, K. 1995. Why, How, and When Should My Child Learn a Second Language? ACCESS ERIC, Rockville, MD; ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, Washington, D.C. 3. Garfinkel, A. and Tabor, K. E. 1991. Elementary School Foreign Languages and English Reading Achievement: A New View of the Relationship. Foreign Language Annals, 24: 375–382. 4. ACTFL Research Citations on the Benefits of Early Language
"Our language is our window to the world. Learning another language is an additional window. Let's learn Arabic and let us have another window. "